Champakkulam Moolam Vallamkali, the Water sport on July 01.

The season for boat races begins with Champakkulam boat race, called Vallamkali, which is more ritualistic than competitive. It is the anniversary day of the installation of the deity at the Sreekrishna temple, Ambalapuzha and held along River Pamba.  

This year,Chambakkulam boat race is held on 01 July 2015. A ceremonial procession of water floats, boat decorated with silken parasols and performing arts welcome the spectators before the race. The event is held at Champakkulam Kayal, Ambalapuzha in Alappuzha Dt., Kerala (India).

Location / Access: Champakulam is about 26 km from Alappuzha.

Photo: Kerala Tourism
