Three days after his untimely death, actor Kalabhavan Mani’s hit songs echoed across the air of the Government General Hospital, Ernakulam on 09 March 2016 when young playback singers Shyam Prasad and Praveena Vinu aesthetically rendered some of them at the ‘Arts and Medicine’ show in the city.
While his popular folk number ‘Umbayi kochandi’ evoked the memories of the popular artiste, the duo also struck a melodious track by delivering ‘Minna minunge’ from 2008 movie ‘Kabbadi Kabadi’.
Playback singers Shyam Prasad and Praveena Vinu performing at Government General Hospital, Ernakulam as part of Kochi Biennale Foundation's ‘Art and Medicine’ |
The 110th episode of weekly show, organised by Kochi Biennale Foundation in association with Mehboob Memorial Orchestra and Lakeshore Hospital and Research Centre Limited, began by paying homage to Mani, who passed away on Sunday at age 45.
“Mani popularised the folk-song genre known as ‘naadan paattu’,” said Shyam. “His energy on stage is incomparable...most of us who are stage performers try to adopt Kalabhavan Mani’s style to attract the audience.”
Praveena is a trained Carnatic vocalist and pursuing her higher studies in Hindustani music. She has specialised in singing Hindi songs.
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