New Master Practice Studio to Help Promote Message of Environmental Consciousness

Building on a longstanding partnership, the Kochi Biennale Foundation (KBF) will collaborate with the Lulu Group to create a unique live sculptor’s studio in Lulu Mall, as part of the retail major’s environment awareness campaign, ‘Nature First’.

The latest entry in the KBF’s much-lauded ‘Master Practice Studio’ series runs from June 5-15, offering visitors the opportunity to not just look into a sculptor’s studio, but also sit for and become the subject of clay creations envisioned by Kochi-based master artist and sculptor Reghunadhan K.

The KBF’s intervention into Lulu Mall with this unique clay-sculpting studio is concurrent with the mall’s ground floor theme: ‘Preserve soil, preserve life!’ Similarly, the first floor will focus on rainwater harvesting and limiting the overuse of underground water while the second floor will create awareness about air pollution and ways to keep air pure.

The messages will be transmitted through programmes and exhibits like a display of rare indigenous plants and a wildlife photography exhibition with works by some of the state’s most talented photographers. Free saplings given to customers will help germinate the spirit of the ‘Nature First’ campaign, a year-long initiative to mobilise the entire city of Kochi and spread awareness about the need to preserve natural resources.

“The KBF is proud to be a part of Nature First, a truly proactive and idealistic campaign undertaken by the Lulu Group to create awareness about the many issues facing the planet’s survival,” said Riyas Komu, trustee and director for Programmes at the KBF. “The KBF is especially happy to be able to showcase the importance of the environment through an artistic endeavour. The Kochi-Muziris Biennale is known as the ‘People's Biennale’ in the art world and we focus a lot on art education, within which the Master Practice Studio is one of our successful projects.” Komu added.

The Lulu Group’s association with the KBF and the Kochi-Muziris Biennale goes back all the way to the first edition of the Biennale in 2012 – a relationship that has strengthened and matured in the interim.

The sculpting studio will be open from 3 PM to 9 PM on the ground floor of Lulu Mall from June 5-15.
